The Signature Funeral
Elevate your farewell experience with our Signature Funeral option. A bespoke service meticulously crafted to celebrate the unique essence of the person that has died, our Signature Funeral is designed for those seeking an extraordinary tribute that reflects a life lived.
For those desiring the utmost in funeral services, our Signature Funeral is the epitome of elegance and distinction. Imagine a ceremony where every detail is meticulously arranged, from a heartfelt choir performance to the soothing melodies of a string quartet. Whether held at the Crematorium or a chosen location beforehand, this service transforms a farewell into a memorable experience.
For those seeking an extraordinary farewell, where each moment is carefully considered, our Signature Funeral is the pinnacle of compassion and sophistication.
With our Signature Funeral, our aim is to remove any stress related to payment during a difficult time. We will pay all third-party costs on your behalf and then invoice you, in full, 2-3 weeks after the funeral has taken place. This final bill will be payable within 30 days.
We are fully transparent with our costs and will provide you with a full estimate that breaks down all services.
Price £4,274
What’s included in the Signature Funeral?
- Unlimited meetings at your home or at our office as you need, to discuss and tailor the funeral arrangements with your dedicated funeral director;
- Respectful transport of the deceased person into our care;
- Sensitive care of the deceased person in our funeral home in Llandudno;
- Unlimited visits to our Family Visiting Room at any time of the day;
- Completion of all documents for the Cemeteries and Cremation office on your behalf;
- Our guidance and support throughout plus our attendance on the day;
- An oak veneer coffin suitable for cremation;
- The use of our hearse on the day of the funeral;
- An online tribute dedicated to the person that has died;
- Collection of donations on your behalf;
- Access to a free bereavement counselling session;
- The cremation fee;
- Use of the music system at the Crematorium;
- Collection of the ashes on your behalf within 3 days of the cremation;
- A scattertube containing the ashes.
This option is also available as a pre-paid funeral plan and can include a contribution towards third party costs. Please contact us for more details and for prices. Terms and conditions apply.
Prices correct as at April 2024 and may change in the future.
How can you customise your Signature Funeral?
All of the funeral options we offer have scope to personalise if you wish, however there will be some additional costs to pay to third parties. Please contact us to discuss this further.
The main ways to personalise your funeral service can include:
Burial or Cremation?
The choice of funeral, whether a burial or a cremation, is an important first option to start the journey of personalising your funeral service.
Religious or Celebrant Led?
Next step to personalising your funeral, is to choose whether you would like a religious or celebrant led funeral.
Floral Tributes
We create fresh funeral tributes, inhouse, to help ease any stress on you. Tell us your favourite colour or flowers and we'll sort it!
Our inhouse florist is on hand to answer any queries you may have.
Visual Tributes
Whether its a photographic slideshow, live streaming or help with photographs, we can help you create a unique visual tribute to the person that has died, using their favourite music or images.
Vehicles, bearers and coffins
From your coffin, to whether family or friends carry your coffin in to the chapel to the vehicle you are taken. The options really are endless when it comes to personalising your funeral.
Service Booklets
We create and design our service booklets, from scratch, to reflect the person that has died rather than the same template that has been used for 100s of funerals before yours.
Choirs or Musicians
Elevate your funeral service with the inclusion of a choir, orchestra, flash mob or a soloist. We can assist in booking these added touches.
Service at another location
Why not consider holding your funeral service at another location? We can assist in finding and suggesting alternative venues.
Please speak to one of our Funeral Directors if you would like more information.
You may also be interested in our other funeral options.
We are committed to being transparent with our prices, to ensure that you have a clear understanding of costs, allowing you to make informed decisions that align with your budget and preferences.