Quaker Funerals

Quaker is a denomination of Christianity, that George Fox founded in the 17th Century. They have four principle values:

  • Equality and Justice;
  • Peace;
  • Truth and Integrity; and
  • Simplicity and Sustainability.

Meetings are led by two elders and everyone refers to each other as friends. These aspects are important to Quaker funerals..

What happens at a Quaker funeral?

Quakers do not have specific beliefs about what happens after we die, they just hope that our spirit will live on in the family and friends left behind. Recording of funeral wishes and a Will is important to Quakers.

There is no formal structure to a Quaker funeral, the emphasis is on Simplicity. Anyone can speak at the funeral, to talk about the person that has died. The funeral service may include readings from the Bible, reciting poems, sharing memories or saying a prayer. Hymns are generally not sung during a funeral. At the end of the funeral service, one of the Friends will signal that the coffin can be withdrawn and will shake hands with the other Elder. All the mourners then shake hands.

Quaker funerals can take place in a Quaker meeting house, at the crematorium or by the graveside.

There is no dress code for attending a Quaker funeral.

Quaker funeral Conwy