Helen McCrory: A poignant letter from her husband, Damian Lewis
Best known for her roles in Peaky Blinders and Harry Potter, actress Helen McCrory sadly lost her battle with cancer on 16 April 2021. She was 52. As Dying Matters Awareness week takes place during 10-16 May 2021, we hope this blog on being in a good place to die will help you if you find your self on an end of life pathway.
It is incredibly powerful when we see famous people normalising grief and death. It allows others to celebrate the life of their loved one or to relate if they sadly find themselves on an end of life care pathway. Helen urged those close to her to keep living after her death. The bravery shown by Helen in her last few months was nothing short of amazing.
Her husband, Damian Lewis, wrote a beautiful and poignant insight into her life, in particular her last few months. The full letter was published in the Sunday Times and can be found here.
Dying Matters Awareness Week 2021
From 10-16 May 2021, Dying Matters Awareness Week encourages people to be in a good place to die. End of life care is an essential aspect of healthcare that focuses on providing physical, emotional and spiritual support to patients who are approaching the end of their lives. This is a time when the reality of death is faced by the dying and their families, and they need to make decisions about their medical care, finances and personal affairs. This is never an easy topic to discuss, but facing the end of life care bravely can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling final journey.
Communicating about your end of life care
One of the essential elements of end of life care is communication. It is vital to have open and honest conversations with your family and the healthcare professionals so you can make informed decisions about your care. You should be encouraged to express your wishes and preferences for medical care and both you and your family should be given the opportunity to ask questions. This can help to reduce any anxiety and uncertainty at a difficult time and provide a sense of control and empowerment.
Pain Management and activities during end of life care
Another important aspect of end of life care is pain management and activities during end of life care. You should be given adequate pain relief, if required, during their final days to ensure they are as comfortable as possible. This may involve palliative care, medication and counselling. Participating in activities that you enjoy and brings comfort such as creative activities, listening to music or spending time with those who are close to you.
She always asked people how they were, always took an interest, made each person she met feel special, as though they were the only person in the room. Gave them her full attention. Made them laugh, always. There were few funnier people — she was funny as hell.
~ Damien Lewis
Spiritual beliefs in end of life care
Some people may have religious or spiritual beliefs that guide their decisions and provide them with comfort during this difficult time. These beliefs should form the basis for the healthcare providers and you to work to in your end of life care. Providing resources and therapies that support these beliefs can provide an immense sense of relief and support to you. Facing end of life care bravely can be challenging at times, but with the right support and resources it can be possible. Support groups and counselling services are a vital resource at times like this and provide emotional support and practical advice and a sense of community. This is particularly helpful to those left behind, who may feel isolated or alone.
I’ve never known anyone so consciously spread happiness. To say “please” and “thank you” and “you’re so kind” as much as she did. Even when dying in her last few days, when talking to our wonderful carers, she repeatedly said, “thank you so much” in her half delirious state.
~ Damien Lewis
In conclusion, end of life care is an essential aspect of healthcare that requires open communication, pain management, spiritual care, and emotional support. Patients and families who face end of life care bravely can find peace, comfort, and fulfilment during their final journey. Healthcare providers should work with patients and families to ensure that their wishes and preferences are respected, and that they receive the care and support that they need during this difficult time.
One nurse at the Royal Marsden told me once they actually looked forward to Helen coming in because she made their day better. Asked how they were, cared about their home lives, spread joy, made them laugh. Helen would say, “Well, their job’s much more difficult than mine.” And she was dying.
~ Damien Lewis
Rest In Peace beautiful lady. You lit up the lives of many and we hope you inspire so many more with this incredible story.
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