Are you in a good place to die?
The Dying Matters campaign was launched in 2009. It aims to create an open culture to talk about death, where people feel listened to and supporting when planning for end of life or have been bereaved. They want to break the stigma associated with talking about death and to challenge preconceptions.
Dying Matters Awareness Campaign
Dying Matters Awareness week (10-16 May 2021) helps to raise the awareness of this campaign.
A year on from the first lockdown in March 2020, there have been in excess of 60,000 deaths at home. This is 1,000 more every week than pre-pandemic levels.
According to Dying Matters, the number of deaths at home will be almost 90% by 2040. Four out of five people said they would prefer to die at home.
Nearly a quarter of adults in the UK are uncomfortable thinking about their own death and 74% haven’t spoken about their wishes. You can discuss a funeral plan with us, that is pre-paid and the money held securely with Ecclesiastical Planning Services. Click here for more information.
Alternatively, we offer a pre-arranged service where we discuss your requirements for your funeral and you hold the money in a bank account that is accessed upon your death. Funeral expenses are allowed expenses to be released from the deceased person’s bank account.
With either of these options, you should remember that a funeral is usually for the benefit of the living, so perhaps try to leave some decisions for them to make and help with their grieving process.
Are you in a good place to die?
There is no right or wrong place to die. It will be different for everyone. However it’s important that we all think about what we would like, to alleviate any stress on our loved ones. The lack of openness in society about this subject affects the quality and range of care given. There is little evidence about the quality of care and support for those that choose to die at home, and in some cases this just hasn’t been good enough.
The themes that will be covered during the week include:
- Physically
- Emotionally
- Financially
- Spiritually
- Digitally
Take a look at Dying Matters for more information on how you can get prepared.
Things to do before you die
Perhaps you could start to think about your wishes and what you could do to help your loved ones, so they have fewer things to worry about.
Make a will
Making a will allows you to plan what happens to your money and possessions once you die.
Make a funeral plan
Making a funeral plan will allow you to plan what happens to you and the arrangements for your funeral. Take a look at our funeral plans page here for more information.
Make a care plan for where you want to die
Talk to your family or GP about the sort of care you’d like if you become seriously ill or dependent. If you are placed in end of life or terminal care, you should consider whether you want to die at home or perhaps in a hospice.
Consider organ donation
Consider organ donation if you know you are going to die. By letting your loved ones know if you want to sign up to this, they can ensure your wishes are taken care of.
Manage your digital legacy
Have you considered how your social media accounts and other cloud based information will be available after your death?
Make sure you take time to talk
The most important conversation is with your loved ones, however if this isn’t easy to do perhaps write it down and leave important documents in a safe place which loved ones are aware of.