Help to pay for a funeral if you get certain benefits or tax credits
If you are in receipt of certain benefits or tax credits, you may be eligible to receive a Funeral Expenses Payment from the DWP. This guide will help you determine if you may be eligible or not.
If you need help to pay for a funeral, you may be entitled to a Funeral Expenses Payment from the DWP.
Am I eligible for the Funeral Expenses Payment?
You may be entitled to a Funeral Expenses Payment if the following apply:
- you are in receipt of certain benefits or tax credits;
- you meet the rules on your relationship with the deceased; and
- you’re arranging a funeral in the UK, the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.
What benefits or tax credits are included in the Funeral Expense Payment eligibility?
To be eligible for the Funeral Expenses Payment, you must receive one or more of the following benefits and tax credits:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Pension Credit
- Housing Benefit
- Working Tax Credit - the disability or severe disability element
- Child Tax Credit
- Universal Credit
- Support for mortgage interest loan
If you have applied for these benefits but haven't yet heard if your claim has been successful, you can still apply for a Funeral Expense Payment.
What are the rules regarding relationship with the deceased?
In order to be eligible for a Funeral Expenses Payment, you must be one of the following:
- The partner of the deceased when they died;
- A close relative or close friend of the deceased;
- The parent of a baby stillborn after 24 weeks of pregnancy;
- The parent or person responsible for a deceased child who was under 16 (or under 20 and in approved education or training).
Please note that Tom Owen and Son do not charge for their services when it is a funeral of a baby or child.
You may not be entitled to a Funeral Expenses Payment if another close relative is in paid employment.
The amount you will receive will depend on your circumstances and the above should only be used as a guide.
What does the Funeral Expenses Payment cover?
The Funeral Expenses Payment can help to pay towards some of the following costs:
- Burial fees for a particular plot;
- Cremation fees (there are rules regarding location of crematorium);
- The cost of the doctor’s certificate;
- Travel to arrange or go to the funeral;
- The cost of moving the body within the UK, if it’s being moved more than 50 miles;
- Death certificates or other documents.
In addition, a payment of up to £1,000 can be paid for other funeral expenses such as Funeral Director's fees, flowers and the coffin.
Please note that the whole cost of the funeral will not usually be covered.
Kelly Bowsher, has undertaken a training course in regards to the process for applying and eligibility for a Funeral Expenses Payment and would be happy to speak to you. Please call 01492 860 280 if you would like to discuss how it works or need help applying.
How is the Funeral Expenses Payment paid?
The Funeral Expenses Payment is usually paid directly to the Funeral Director.